Arcasia Bali 2012: Long Lasting Memories


Heeeey my blog, long time no talk to you... So many stories that i have to tell to you. 2012 is so special year. This time i want to try blogging with english XD just want to make my english being better :p
Soooo 2012 year will end for about one week.. OMG this year gone so fast. Now i wanna make a flashback story of this year. Check this out! :D

I wanna share this year story randomly. First, i'll tell you guys my experience on the last October until early November. What is that? About travelling? Ya, this is an event called Arcasia Student Jamboree that hold on Bali  from 29 Oct until 2 Nov. Arcasia is an event about architecture that attended by architects, lecturer, architecture students by Asia Pacific country. There are about 15 or 16 country that join this event, like Indonesia (my country :D), Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Nepal, Pakistan, India, South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. In this event, me and my team that consist of 5 persons make an essay to be presented there on student congress. We make an essay about Indonesian traditional roofs as a local identity (forget the specific title :p). Next, let's see what i do in Bali
Although i'm Indonesian, but this is my first time visiting Bali. This first experience is so amazing. Like we hear on television, online media, or anything said that Bali such a paradise. I think that's true. In here, we see such a cultural island with many beautiful place, and one of my favorite is the beach. 

This is the dinner place of the Werdhapura hotel, Sanur. Such a beautiful scenery
the big rocks that will be find of the beach
beach with gazebo
sunset time with arcasia's participants

find this lonely starfish (Patrick star haha)

Actually I have another photos, but i'll countinue with the stories latter :D

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